Submission is free. Switch is run by volunteers, and we regret that we are unable to pay for publication.
We accept work up to 400 words. You may submit up to three pieces.
Work must be unpublished and comprised of a single paragraph (please do not indent).
Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please tell us right away if your work is accepted in another publication.
Send your selections in a Word document (.doc or .docx), using single-spaced lines, and Times New Roman, 12-point font.
Please embed and italicize any spoken words (do not use quotation marks around dialogue).
We reserve the right to request edits on accepted work prior to publication.
Please, no generative AI.
Send a brief biographical note (up to three lines) in your Word document.
If we accept your work, we require First Electronic Rights to publish and non-exclusive rights to retain your work on our website indefinitely. If your work is republished, please credit Switch as the original publisher.